I am leaving Singapore today , and heading home to Wray- a tiny Village in the UK near the Lake District.
It is like living in another world !
The village consists of 2 main roads, with houses either side. One small shop/post office combined and the usual village Pub !Sheep , Cows, rivers and fields are the landscape!
It makes me reflect on the duality of life and the impermanence of things...
What I have here in Singapore, which on a day to day basis is just taken for granted ( broadband, extensive shopping and trading hours, immediate access to your needs etc) is not available in Wray ...
Its like leaving one world and going to another !
On the flip side however , what is available in Wray will be hard to find elsewhere ...neighbours who you have grown up with and who care for each other, peace, silence, nature, natural landscapes....
My fathers home has an uninterrupted view of fields all the way to a Deer Park and a Castle in the adjoining village...approx 2 miles of nothing but nature!
SO things are just different and as a result how people spend there time is different!
I find the externals of life are not so important in Village life...there is not a mad constant racing around of people , all too busy doing things to stop and just be !
Time appears to pass slowly and all is calm !
People walk slowly, people do not have the need to have a mobile phone pressed to their ear in the street , people say Hello to strangers and are genuinely interested in you...
So for a week I will be in a different world ! Enjoying the silence , the nature, the lack of deadlines, no need to keep racing...just to be!
I send you my love and blessings, Sally
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