Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mastering spiritual knowledge.

How spiritual you are has nothing to do with what you know, how many courses you have attended,what you can repeat or has everything to do with how you behave and how aware you are in every single moment.

How do you see the world and how do you interract with the world?

Who are you really when no one else is watching?

What are the thoughts within that drive you?

Why the desire to call yourself a spiritual master?

A Master becomes a Master when they walk the talk ...and it is clear to the world that they remain equanimous and stable .

A Master becomes a "master" when others use this phrase....not when you award it to yourself.

Look clearly at your own face reflected in the "lake of life" ..take a long hard look .....what do you see?

I send you my love and gratitude

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