Monday, April 13, 2009

Clear Your clutter

In this months AsiaSpa magazine , we wrote an article about clearing out all the clutter in your life - be it internal ( emotions / negative thoughts / old grudges ) or external ( the piles of paperwork on your desk / old receipts in your purse etc etc )

Life is a journey we all know and the best way to experience it is to travel light!

Imagine the scene when we die - we are laid to rest in a coffin with dimensions 6 foot by 3 foot ( approx ) . Now imagine if our possessions were laid to rest next to us- what a funny sight it would be as a 40 foot container ( or 2 !) is placed on the ground next to us !

A good discipline to adopt is to clear out one cupboard/ closet each week .
Decide what you no longer need and then gift it away / give to charity or dispose of it.

You will quickly realise that we hold onto stuff that we never actually need/ use....
We accumulate more and more , and soon all our cupboards in our home are full to overflowing.

Allow new energy into your home - begin TODAY - clear out the old stuff and enjoy the feeling of peace and spaciousness ...which will allow new thoughts and ideas to enter your life .

The simple formula is this ;

More stuff= More Worry = More mind space take up thinking/ worrying about it = Stress.
Less Stuff= Less Worry = More free mind space= more ideas to flow !

Start today ! See the difference and experience the peace of Mind !

Love and gratitude


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