Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who do you want to be ?

If you are sitting and waiting for the right moment to come along, the right guy to sweep you off your feet , the perfect job opportunity to come your way, even for retirement .....then its time to wake up and look at life !

Destiny is not a matter of chance- its a matter of choice !

Its not something to be waiting for , something that will come one day ....its a matter of action !

So take away the "roles" that we hide behind, the roles that keep us too busy to think about what we really want .. mother/ wife/ business executive...etc ...these are all not the real you .
They are just roles you have adopted and somewhere along the road you begin to believe this is the real you.

Ask yourself this - who am I when I am not playing these roles?
Forget what you " do " - ask yourself the question - who am I really ?

Just be you ! Its that simple ! Be you and be the best you that you can be !

Happiness is NEVER found in the externals of life - Happiness is only found inside!
Yes you can have pleasure and comforts of life in the externals- but if during this mad dance of life you feel lost/ unfulfilled/ unhappy/ trapped/ disillusioned / not free...then question what is it all about !

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to find your inner happiness. Once this is found, no matter where you are you will be happy / complete and able to enjoy all that life has to offer.

I send you my love and gratitude

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