Each week we will study one tip in detail and set one simple action that if taken will make a significant difference in your life.
1. Simplify your Life!
We now live in an age when we can shop 24/7, be it online or in a retail environment. We have become accumulators of more and more things!
All of these “ things “ around you actually take up your time, energy and effort in maintaining and storing them.
We seem to simply accumulate more and more and rarely STOP and look at what is going on around us!
For example we decide to buy some books on a certain subject.
Of course there are whole bookshelves in bookstores full of books on the subject we choose to study. We want to be the expert, so one book becomes 2, then 3, and then before we know it we have over 20 books on a subject.
What happens next? We need a bookcase for all these books – so off we go to Ikea and buy a bookcase. All of this is taking up our time – effort and money.
One bookcase gets filled and so we need a second one, and so the cycle continues.
It may not be books – it may be kitchen items, clothes, shoes, children’s toys, any thing that we start to ‘collect”
More things mean we need a bigger house – so we move house and soon that too is full of things!
It’s a never-ending circle!
All these things mean we need more money – so we run on the “Hamster wheel of Life”, living to pay our bills and at the same time amassing more debt as we buy more things!
So the first action point of the day:
Simply STOP and look around you …...walk each room of your house – open up your cabinets and simply look at what is there! Do the same for your office!
Focus at this stage only on YOUR space. It’s really easy to start advising and commenting on others- however this is about YOU!
Once you look at your own space you need to identify those areas that need your support. Now the chances are this could be a LONG list – so I am going to make it easier for you and in a series of articles I will show you which areas are the MOST IMPORTANT to tackle first. These areas are the ones that bring energy into your home and are the ones where you spend the most time.
So the first area to tackle is your MAIN DOOR!!
The main door is like the mouth of your home, if it is clean and clutter free then the energy that comes in will be fresh and full of vitality!
So today simply look at your front door space from 2 aspects;
• Open the door and stand outside and look into your home
• Stand inside and look out of our home.
Make your notes and then get ready for solutions in my next Blog!
Sally Forrest
BSc, MRPharmS, MBA
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