Friday, August 29, 2008

True Love!

Here is a sneak preview from a book I am co-writing! Enjoy !
A famous tale ..expanded to show the meaning of true Love!

There was once a young impoverished couple, deeply in love .Christmas was approaching and they both wanted to give the other a special , meaningful gift.
The lady had long beautiful hair which she grown from childhood . She loves her hair and keeps it in immaculate condition . Each day she washes her hair and combs it with a comb made from branches of a tree near their home.

The man has a very impressive watch which was left to him by his late father . He adored his father and so the watch is his most cherished possession! Every day he lovingly takes the watch from his pocket , looks at the time and remembers his father.

As Christmas approaches they are both thinking of ideas for the others gifts

…they just know what gift will be ideal and so they set out independently to obtain it…

She cuts off her hair and sells her hair to buy him a chain for the watch……
…………he sells his watch to buy her a comb.

This beautiful tale demonstrates love in its truest sense…How many of us in today’s society give with such love to another? Do we really think about what gift would delight the other , and do we sacrifice in order to get it?

True love is all about giving of yourself and sharing yourself without limits. Your full focus and attention is on the other and on giving to the other.

“You need to give 100% of yourself without waiting to see whether or not your partner is giving anything ..” Vikas Malkani.

With love, Sally

1 comment:

chris said...

I remember that story from when I was little, thanks for reminding me...