Thursday, October 16, 2008

Whats more important?

As we continue on the external race of life- collecting more and more ...consider the following;

Whats more Important?

The kind of car you drive- or the number of people you support who do not have transportation?
The size of your home- or the number of people you welcome into it?
The number of clothes in your wardrobe- or the number of people you help to clothe?
Your job title- or the fact you perform your best in the job you do?
How many friends you have- or to how many people you offer a friendly smile and encouragement?
The neighbourhood in which you live- or how you treat your neighbours?
The knowledge you have - or the wisdom you share with others?

We can go on collecting....the only things that go with us when we leave are our experiences!

Live for today - Love for today and be happy today !
WIth my love and blessings

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