Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What can I GIVE to life?

As the festive season approaches, many people busy themselves wondering what they can gift to others. What gift would make that special person feel great?

Children become excited wondering what they can "get" for Xmas and are conditioned to do Xmas lists of things they want.
Expectations and excitement is high as Xmas approaches.

Instead of wondering what you can “get” from life, how about living a new paradigm of "What can I GIVE to life?"

And why wait for the festive seasons to give?
Why not simply GIVE each and every day?

I encourage you to adopt a new way of living life…
Each morning as you wake simply state;

"Just for today I will GIVE to life"

Go through that one-day looking for opportunities to give …

  • Give a smile and a happy hello to strangers you meet
  • Give your taxi driver a tip with a complimentary comment of gratitude for his service ….to make his day
  • Give the person collecting on the street a token, to acknowledge their effort
  • Give your partner a hug and tell them how much you appreciate sharing your life with them
  • Give your children a hug, tell them how special they are and how loved they are…
  • Give your staff appreciation for a job well done

The list goes on an on.

And once today is over- your life will have taken on new meaning; you will feel lighter, brighter and your world will be a happier place in which to live.

And then tomorrow when you wake up, being your day by again thinking;

"Just for today I will GIVE to life…"

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