Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Concept of Time

I recently returned from the UK where I had the joy of visiting one of the most well preserved Castles in England - Skipton Castle.

Lady Anne Clifford inherited the estate in 1643 and begain to restore it to its former glory.
The central court yard contains the most magnifican Yew Tree planted in 1659.

A true Yang Wood example if ever I have seen one.
Standing tall and proud and growing upwards as each year passes by.

In todays busy world - we race around at break neck speed, multitasking as we go, measuring time in seconds and making every hour count. I found the tree to be mesmerizing - I was truly transfixed as I entered each chamber and saw the tree in all its glory from different vantage points. It was as if time has stood still for hundreds of years and the stillness around the tree was all that mattered.

For over 450 years the tree has been there - silent - magnificent and simply being in the moment.
  • How many generations of families has it outlived? 
  • What intelligence does it posess to keep on living?
  • Who really is the intelligent one in this universe?
  • Why the need for constant business when beauty is found in this stillness?
  • The tree thrives without struggle , without grasping, without chasing….
I really feel we need to slow down and see the teachers around us. 
The ones that have stood the test of time.
Nature is truly an inspiration and the more we move closer to it - the more we evlove.

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