Thursday, December 3, 2015

Who are you really?

I was reading an interesting article recently that debated that people with a high internet usage were markedly more lonesome and unhappy than those with low usage. It also went on to say that people who most need to learn how to interact with others are the ones spending time on their computers alone. 

Human connection is vital to self-esteem.

Everyone needs to learn basic life skills which teach how to adapt to life and to deal effectively with changing demands and daily life in a positive way. 

Social media is also creating more unhappiness as people scroll through pages of how life "should be", without realising that many posts on social media are actually false realities.

People want to show the world they have a perfect life - when actually it may be far from the truth.

I have met many people who are so different in reality to how they post on Social Media.

We now invite anyone and everyone into our head space by scrolling down Social Media - We do not filter.

We react to things we see which we had no intention of viewing. We allow the lives of others to play out in our minds - when we have no real connection with these people in daily life. 

It's time to STOP ...

... Forget what everyone else is doing ...

FOCUS on yourself 
Are you happy?
Are you living the life of your dreams?
Are you giving your best to the world ?
Are your emotions under your control and positive ones?
Switch off the computer Spend time in silence and discover your own unique and amazing gifts

You will feel so much happier and contribute to the world once you are centred in your own truth.

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